By Government Decision 627 of 2000, the operator of the electricity market in Romania is OPCOM SA, which aims to manage electricity market in Romania.
Compiling data obtained from monthly and annual activity reports of OPCOM SA, we can summarize the evolution of electricity prices and green certificates, as follows:
OPCOM = Green Certificates Market Operator – legal person which assures Green Certificates trading and determines the prices on the Centralized Green Certificates Market, performing the functions established by the Regulation for organizing and functioning of the Green Certificates Market (Order no. 15 / 2005 issued by ANRE ).
Green Certificate – Document which proves that a quantity of 1 MWh of electricity was produces from renewable energy sources.
Quota Obligation System – Mechanism used to promote the production of electricity from renewable energy
sources by means of the acquisition by the suppliers of a specified quota of electricity produces from renewable energy sources in order to sell it to their consumers.
The functioning of the quota obligation system to promote the electricity produces from renewable energy sources supposes the following phases:
- The Regulator Authority establishes a fixed quota of electricity produces from renewable energy sources
which the suppliers are obliged to buy it.
- The Regulator Authority yearly qualifies the produces of electricity from renewable energy sources in order to receive Green Certificates.
Evolution of energy price in 2012-2014
Evolution of Green Certificates price in 2012-2014
*Prices are in EURO, at the rate of that month;
**Prices for energy used as a reference are the Day Ahead Market prices (PZU).
Last update: 10.2014